can we stop all this Election crap, its fucking boring. Whoevers in power the country stays the fucking same it don't matter. 'but if I vote for blah blah there gonna lower taxes' yeah great but then they'll have to get the money that they need that normally comes from those taxes, from somewhere else. So your gonna end up paying the same anyway. 'oh but if I vote for these they will get rid of student fees' yeah thats a fucking good Idea wheres all the money gonna come from to fund education? Basically all the policies look shiny on the outside, but if you dig deeper you'll realise behind them is just massive amounts of truth bending to make you vote for them.
Re: Re: can we stop all this Fuck knows how to decide it but publicly lying to get in power doesn't seem the best way to me. Sorry if my tunes offend your elitist attitudes towards music, but I don't have the same cultural views as you.
It is I just thought, when you go to north korea and take it with you I you were taking a dig at my music.
Re: can we stop all this 1) If the threads bother you so much, stop fucking reading them. 2) Post something interesting yourself you boring twat.