bored, and stuck in bored, ive got a shit load of work to do by friday. ive got to make an educational game in flash, and do some rediculasly hard java program. i think i may b fucked. and its sunny!!!!!!!!!! im gonna get trashed on friday when its all over....
haha....a bit....ta got loads of pics of you from fri. Ive got about 32 pics of cyberted too for some reason....haha....quite funny....
pics of me, oh no, why do i always manage to jump infront of a camera? r they bad? will they make me cry? oh no!
too right, missed the last 1...... after the week im having, im gonna need a good party by friday... ive got photos of you from fiday too Mr Statue of Liberty
i always stick my tounge out in pics, i duno why but ive found one where its in tact, in my mouth, where it should be!
shes done it since she was little....... imagine how many bits of glitter kerry has ever eaten???? not on purpouse, but then again we know she loves it.haha. loop x