Boo hey to everyone, im new to board as u can guess ! Im 21, male, and from Alnwick. A dont get to Foundation as much as I like to due to the return journey being a complete pig. Ive put a post in the tech help, cos a need some advice. so anyone who can, cheers. Boosha. If anyone wonders why my tag is Boosha...well, it is the fcukd term for bus. long story of how it came about but well funny in my eyes and me mates. thanks again !
Re: Boo You could have said you were 23, female from Middlesboro, and then you would have got alot more replys dude.
not enuf time in the day to b an arsehole...its all nicey nicey and fluffy care bears in my world !!!
i normally just ring the doorbell til someone gets up...much easier than hitting the keyhole at 5am...
hmmm... confident...well i got a gorgeous gurl i cant be that bad... comedian...god no... lol
WTF...that dont make any sense to me m8y. blonde about my height and another small two birds... all this talk about birds is makin me hungry... no might just be the simple answer lol