Boffins Say Drugs OK! Harmless drug use is possible, say experts from The Royal Society of Arts. clicky
anyone with an ounce of common sense can tell the difference between a few pints and a couple of eccys.. PMSL @ 'Boffins' ROFFLE @ 'the RSA Says' those oh so world renowned drug experts...
Im sure drugs are in moderation alot like most of things, such as Alcohol etc... But when your still at an after party 3 days later & all your bodies had in regards to a 'Fresh Diet' is 'Hand Picked pills' from Holland & Freshly ground Coke from Columbia then im sure the Bad effects of drug taking will surely show. Sometimes I walk in the house late sunday evening after being out all weekend looking like iv'e been ran over by a truck & highly resemble a deteriorating pentioner.
harmless drug use is possible. That is not the same as saying that all drug use is harmless. But lots of things are dangerous and we still choose to do them. Even paracetamol will kill you if you neck loads of them.
Who gives a fuck if they harm you? I think were all old enough and clever enough to know that putting big ammounts unnatural chemicals into our bodys will effect or health, but thats the risk you take when you do drugs. My general day to day work puts me through a lot more physical distress and generally pisses me off beyond belief. When you get to the point where you think slogging your guts out like a robot from 9 - 5 is more important than enjoying your youth (which drugs play a big part in especially the lifestyle clubbers choose to live) then you might as well quit while your ahead. Why does everything have to be so negative about drug taking. The good times ive had on them by far outweigh the bad times so i havent got a bad word to say about them!
And how come everything like this is judged as if it's possible to live a 100% healthy lifestyle. It is not ever going to be possible to achieve this regardless of what you do.