Blank & Jones. Why dont Promise make thier name know UK wide by being the first UK club to book B&J? Loads fo people at Crasher and people I have spoke to are dying to see this DJ team in action.... Im sure the word would spread very quickerly around clubville and no doubt the club will be visted by peeps from all around the country. THIS IS WHAT WE NEED!!!! TO GET PEEPS TRAVELING TO PROMISE. This would improve the crowd and atmos of the place no end.
init, i know im a bit fookedx at the moment, but ive got a few blanks and jones sets on cd, both together and as individuakls, and thry are wickedf. bring them on!!!
Here here Pikey! Blank and Jones r fooking amazing and I think they would b great 4 Promise! For once Mr Talon isnt talking random shite!!!!! lol
Pure DJs have got Blank and Jones under their roster, or so it appears from their site. I'm gonna investigate getting them to come play Cambridge, but if they have a UK agency I don't see why places such as Promise don't take the risk and book them!