Bizarre troubles you've had applying for a job I was thinking when I leave Uni I'd do one of three careers. Accountant Fireman Policeman But it appears I can't be an acountant in a top firm because I only got a 'C' in my Maths GCSE in 1996! Even if I'd got the equivalent in 1906 they still wouldn't give me an interview. I can't be a fireman because I'm both deaf in my left ear and I've had laser eye surgery. Understandable. I can get into the Police, but I'm limited to what I can do because of the same reasons as the fireman. Cock! I reckon I should just register disabled! I can't get a f***in proper job! Anyone else had crap problems like this?
Re: Bizarre troubles you've had applying for a job well in such high profile and importaint jobs who can blame them for not wanting deaf and partially sighted people?