Big Brother who goes? who do you want to be evicted from big brother next ? I think Jon because he is a twat!
Re: Big Brother who goes? no not Jon, cant evict him he's the most interesting one there. Last week he was making a solar powered heater for the pool ffs bet pretty boy federico couldnt do that. get rid of justine/jardine whatever she's called, she's dull as fuck and fat :evil: or Ray, I didnt even realise he was in there for a week, no personality whatsoever
GET RID OF THE FAT BASTARD. :evil: or the dick who was asking bb if he could see her shit, what a twat.. :cringes:
I dont know any of their names. Evict the fat one. Is Jon the one with glasses that keeps going to talk to Big bro?
The twice that I have watched the show, I have thought he is the best. That posh bird is ok too but the rest are retards IMO
hysterical bunch of wannabes. i felt sick wen i saw them gettin so "emotional" after that "discooo" the other night... sad bastards... get a grip...