Beware!!!!!! there is a new virus doin the rounds........however ppl are gettin spiked thro msn a link to a website is posted on msn saying 'urgent click this' or summat similar, however it will apper to be from someone u isnt......DONT DO WOT I DID AND CLICK IT!! itl open up a blank page, but the virus will have already wrkd its way into ur poota BE CAREFUL!
aaaaaaawwwwwwwwww damm. I just set up my msn fing this morning and now this!!! Cheers for the warning though. My nollege on pootas is pretty slim (i can play minesweeper) so it wouldv fooked me up big style.
Re: Beware!!!!!! oh thankie messy my comp is always getiing fookin virus's!! not this time!! well i must stop clicking random links!!