Bass Generator just been in the loft to sort out all the junk and came accross all me older brothers vinyl from about a decade ago when he was my age and came accos masses of bass generator stuff! AND ITS F*CKING AWSUM! HARD AS HELL AND WELL FAST
Re: Bass Generator Yeah i love the owld stuff like, but when u listen to it now the mcing is ridiculus but at the time we used to think it was sheer cutting edge musical talent :CRINGE:!!!!
wey its not so much the mc'ing i dont like its what bass generater has been mutilated into THE NEW MONKEY! WHICH I BELIVE IS WORSE THEN OPERA!
i love the new monkey! some awesome tunage gets played! " Babeey lets get wet, i just wanna see you sweat" Qwality!
1 to the 4, hard core 1 to the 3, XTC Kickin up the bass in the place hardcorehardcorehardcore come on etc.
my fav has to be " a thought a saw a pussy cat creepin up on me" "but a was hallucinating on a drug called LSD"
boom boom boom gunna beat sum1 up on the street! YO YO YO HOE, new monkey is a pile, ive had the miss pleasure of coming back from sumwhere ages ago and we drove past the new monkey in scumberland and it was closing full of the next generation scuzz bags of the north east all off there tits on petrol fumes with there tops off and hi viz vests on u know u can be ages 14 and still gan there its stupid
Chris I got some of those tunes and theyre Italian dance from 95, and yes theyre fucking mint. But the new monkey now play squeaky spanish makina rubbish. It sounds like monophonic ringtones with a 180 bpm behind it ! It sounds like a cat bein cooked :sick:
one of the lads who used to work at mushroom, was an MC at the monkey, so we got him to MC over children of the night when we played it on a wednday student night! it was funny as fuck!
we used to rave to that tune all the time when we wee nippers,,,im gonna rinse it again for nostalgia