anyone watch that ufo thing last night? basically it was saying that all pretty much all the ufo sitings were all americans secret testing vehicles and they played on the ufo's to keep them hidden from the world. Apart from a few unexplained cases. cunts i well beleive in ufos to.
i was on c4 a few weeks ago, caught most of it then... saw bits again last night.... it was interesting how it had made a believer out that sceptic bloke who conducted the 1000's of interviews in the 50s/60s and the german 'test rig' they found in east germany was spooky... 'advanced flight' techniques developed by the krauts
i know its totally mint to think of what shit they are developing at area 51 nowadays, makes me wanna join the american top secret agencies just to find out the crazy hover vehicles they might be testing.
in recent years, there's been lots of development/rebuilding of Area51... new buildings, hangars... who knows what they're developing... if u check out the long distance photos of the place - there's loads of mining going on and underground construction... hhmm... best way to hide things! THE most well known Top Secret base
i know they said last night on that program that the site that its on is the same size as sweeden i was like thats fucking big that like, how the fuck can they keep that secret.
massive exclusion zone.... no-ones QUITE sure how they monitor it as there's no fences, visible detection, etc... there's massive runways there now... and on the other side of the mountains to the west, there's the old nuke test range from the 60's... such a massive area The stuff about 'Aurora' is interesting too... those pics of the 'contrails' and that satelite photo
i was watchimg some thing the other day may have been that programme on 4, and it reckoned that over half of all americans beleive..... yeah i did watch some of the programme but only caught the bit about, the reconitince balloons that they wanted people to beleive where UFO's
i missed the one last night, but seen one on the discovery channel. That test rig in germany has high voltage cables inside it, this dude in the states has built a model craft that is run on high voltage, that uses charged particles as thrust!! Think this is what the germans were tryin to crack!