Amusing Job Titles Whats the daftest job titles you have ever heard? I think my winner is: Graphical Reproduction Technician....sounds all posh and complex and geeky........'s photocopying And "Ambient Replenishment Assistant" - Shelf Stacker
Refreshments Co-ordinator = brew bitch Supply management = stationary cupboard cleaner. @ Subway sandwiches - Sandwhich Artist = makes butties for a living
'mixologist' at night.. bar man 'customer sales and rejuvination executive'.. call centre monkey.. hopefully.. 'telecoms marketing researcher' by next week... maybe
Engineering Support Technician I have absolulty fuck all idea what it means, but thats my job title I test telephones
Re: Amusing Job Titles IT and Systems Analyst - coffee maker Really though, Industrial Technician for cleaner probably takes the biscuit. My mother got that one a few years back, laughed when she saw the contract Harry's photocopying And "Ambient Replenishment Assistant" - Shelf Stacker [/B][/QUOTE]