Airport style security @ Gkgg !!!! Sniffer dogs as expected but with the addition of xray luggage detectors !!!! My mates are waiting to go thru at the mo !!!!
they had dogs last year, they dragged out 3 people in the same line as me, i took nothing in so was ok
Re: Airport style security @ Gkgg !!!! Are they not just checking for weapons You used to have to go through Metal detectors at Bed in Sheffield and they had them at republic but never used them
Ave seen dogs at majority of festivals i have been to, the year GKGG was washed out they were at the entrance with the police but they didnt go towards anyone when we went in. It's just increased vigilance really innit in the wake of what's been going on and that, everyone expects to get frisked anyways when ya go in otherwise the place would be dodgy as fuck
If i was a muslim extreamist i would target events like this next beacuse muslims are so againts drugs and alcohol, and security is all on the trians/underground.... Just a thought i had while clubbing last weekend
We were in a bar before clubbing talking about the bombing n stuff, Was to opished to think about it in the acual club so i would of died a happy and dizzy
They've always had dogs! Was a joke when my bag got checked. Just patted the side, took a peek in the top and I was thru! :wtf: My bag was packed full of (legal) stuff tho. I could have had anything
Re: Re: Airport style security @ Gkgg !!!! Aye thats wot i said to my m8 it will be for weapons / possible bombs etc !!!
of course bloody not, if ur gonna take that approach then u could have thought they were gonna bomb tall ships, there was over a million people there but u cant start carrying on like that!!!!