Advice Needed (money/banking) I left my old job end of DEC and i was owed no money at all..... i got paid from them end of Jan and thought i would say nothin just in case i was actually owed it or worked a month lieing on, The next month (FEB) i got paid again!! I thought i should say something so rang them and they said no paperwork had gone thro for me leaving so they said they would sort it and the money might have to be paid back...... so now whats happened in march? PAID AGAIN!! this time ive been paid for what looks like almost two months wages (think it could be backdated pay rise) So im just wonderin wat i should do? If i say nowt i might get done for it (somehow??) If i tell them can they take it back off me? its there mistake right? Now this isnt just a little mickey mouse company its a lot larger and its a very very big employer! Has this happened to any of yous? what happened? Any advice would be appreciated..... Thanks
hhhm i duno wot id do if that happened to me, could you not open a new bank account tranfere ya muny into that then phone and tell them so if they try and take muny back out ov ur old one the wont be able to as there wont be owt in??? nah that seems to complicated just ignore i said owt, im not sure they cant just take muny off you tho!!
The company will eventually work out that they have paid you when they shouldn't have, and have every right to ask for it back. As far as I know they won't be able to take it directly out of your bank account though, and will have to ask you to refund it. If you don't they would probably take you to court.
o0o0o thats quite a complicated situation actually... you will probs have to them back in the long run so dont try to spend all the money, it happened to me a while ago... the company who i worked for put an extra months wages into my account and they ended up taking it back when they realised But at the end of the day it was their mistake in the 1st place so i dont see why they should be able to get it back off u! i would definately transfer all ur money to another bank account and close that one down
Big Company, funny im working there now. Regardless they will get it back, mate of mine worked for over a year and never got asked for being paid every month when he'd left - then gets a letter and all is asked for back and its split into payment schemes. There not think
they will eventually realise and ask for it back but they hav to contact u and ask for it, they cant just take it out of your account. i wud open a savings acc, online ones r usually good for interest and just leave it in there til the ask for it back and get some free money from the interest u get
ha ha thoght as much like whats the crack with the pay this month then? was it a backdated payrise or sumthin? i got nearly double!!
we are talkin over 3k here doubt they will give it to me in expenses like the thing that pisses me off is i told them last month to stop paying me and they said ok yeah no problem :bang: TARTS
Yeah it was yeah, know what you mean about the double cos i double + more. Dont blow it - when there's an audit they will find out which is when the paroll will be notified. Everyones said the right things anyways, they will get in touch with you first then request it back You should be so lucky, me mate who got overpaid from another job has to pay back £7000 - luckily it was all banked and saved... Me knowing me with ££ it wouldnt of been
Part of the cash will be yours though, the backdated pay rise from July to December 04 (or whenever you left) - so make sure they don't get that back.
If they realise (which they might well during routine checks) they are well within their rights to demand it back and if you don't pay it they will issue legal proceedings for overpayment of salary.
They'll ask for it back mate. The last person living at my gaff keeps getting letters asking for their overpayment back (not that I opened them of course... well... not straight away! It was about the 8th letter I'd sent back Return to Sender - Not at this address). That's not like when I left Asda, they owed me a few hundred quid from my bonus I didn't receive, a week's holiday and a lieu day. When my final pay came in at precisely £0.00, I kicked up a stink and they claimed I'd taken time off that I hadn't and I actually owed them £7 or something!!! Finally got it sorted about 4 months later but got paid day shift rate for it when I worked nights and was emergency taxed for a second income! Tossers!!! Glad I don't work for them any more, worst place I've ever been...!