Absinthe I've just been given some of this and i've heard how evil it can be! Is it true it makes you trip? How much will get me blotted? :drunk:
Ergh I had some when i was on a pub crawl for the end of my exams and it was the rankest thing I've ever tasted, slightly behind tequila :sick:
take it easy - even the weak stuff (60% vol) is lethal... from zero to pissed in 60 seconds... always drink it b4 a night out
i used to drink it loads, i'm not sure to what extent it was meant to make you trip, but it does make everything go a bit pair shaped lol i had to stop drinking it because it always made me sick
the absinthe you buy today, in this country doesnt make you trip. it used to, hence one of the reasons van gogh chopped his ear off, he was off his tits on the stuff.
At the last Arcane i went to i took an water bottle full of absinthe. one minute i was in the middle of the dancefloor and looked at my watch and it was about 2am and the next thing i know i am laying in the middle of the sitting room floor in my mates house (who i didnt really know) surrounded by complete strangers and it was 645am, I have absolutely no idea what i did for those 5 hours but was apparently being well offside towards people i usually like the best way to do absinthe is to neck little 1/2 shots of it every 5 minutes or so over a long period....that way you dont get instantly fucked but you get a more trippy effect off it if you do enough. there was a time where i was walking home after drinking loads of it and made the decision that i was going to live my life on absinthe and have a shot every morning as soon as i woke up proper moment of clarity best drink EVER
shot glass, teaspoon of sugar in, stir, light it, immediately PUT IT OUT - neck it. breathe heavily for 3 minutes and repeat after 10 minutes recovery time. do not do this trick for more than 1 hour
course it does it is imported, mainly from Czech (i think), i guarantee you after 5 shots of the 80% stuff you will think you are a fucking BEAST
yeh me and my mates used to down the stuff, then sit and listen to johnny cash all night its class stuff
Crasherkid had some at mine once. I am unable to find the pic of him sitting in his sick on my kitchen floor.
oh yes... we always had a couple of different brands knocking around, different strengths - and ALWAYS a few shots as the taxi arrived...
Dont do it Marc mate. Me n Kenzil decided to give it a blast. Kenzil didnt even make it to the toliet and was :sick: all over........................me. F**king makes your stomach implode when you swallow it. Was in Ibiza and asked for a shot of Aftershock. Wiatress replied saying she didnt have any but would give me something similar. F**king palmed me off the Black, yes, black absinthe. Had to fight about 10 pints of salavia rushing into my mouth for a cupl of mintues with the aid of some heavy breathing.