a lttle help please xxx I dont know about any of you mums but i'm finding it really hard to buy everything especially seeing as im on income support and lets face it theres nothing left after bills etc.. I know i am going to get a sure start grant but it wont go far with everything i need for baby unless i buy cheap stuff which will fall apart and need replacing quicker. Anyway i have been freebie hunting online and came across a few sites to save a few quid. Free Sample of Bepathen Nappy Rash Cream http://www.bepanthen.co.uk/ Some Avent baby bottles http://www.freebabygifts.co.uk/freeavent?referer_id=1157 Some pampers nappies http://www.freenappies.co.uk/free-nappies-club/signup.php?15458 If you know any more please post them up i would be really greatfull. Thanks KiKi xxx
Re: a lttle help please xxx Do income support know your getting paid to spam message boards on the net.
Whats next for this person? Spaming on UK TV Drama http://uktv.co.uk/drama/showuserposts/userID/883008/
No point in being harsh to this person anymore, they have already been verbally abused at http://lowculture.proboards34.com/i...ard=hello&thread=1190237488&page=1#1190307013