24-35 in grafix, we have to design an advertyising campaign for a new brand of uni sex cosmetics. my group have decided to go with UV paint, hair gel and uv temporary tatoos. my grafix teacher has informed us that we cannot do the project on this as the audience is males and females between 24 and 35 and its is only teenagers who ever use uv products. im just wondering if ne1 who is currently 24 to 35 or has been at sum point not too long ago(si) could just answer the above poll and tell me wether they have ever used uv products since entering the age category. btw...UV bryl cream is accepted i may b totally wrong here...but its either uv products or a unisex fragrance please help. Biatch xx
Used to around '98 when I used to fequent Crasher regularly but dont much now may be tempted too NYE @ Crasher thou !!