1,000,000 post right what date do people think the 1,000,000 post will be made and who will right it?? let's all have a guess and see who get's the closest or even better cock on. my guess is 27/9/07 and nass to write it (totally random guess) not forgeting the board may no longer exist or nass has joined the forigen legion
Re: 1,000,000 post Get back on it> http://www.promisealways.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=44838 :spangled:
Re: Re: 1,000,000 post i a know canny but it,s better than some threads on here and every one can join in insted of ever fucka bitching like little kids
6/6/06 by anrew gibson if he carries on at this rate j/k m8. I agree, motivates my brain more than watching the 'I banned Joe' party 1,000,000 is a bit steep though innit? I'd say 100,000 would be a more realistic target. Otherwise you're talking an average of 34 posts per day, for the next 80 years and put it this way, the majority of us are gonna be 6 feet under by then. :cyber: :chill: